IP Rights-Digital Rights Management

On this page you can learn to…

Digital Rights Creating an IP Right Editing an IP Right Deleting an IP Right


Digital Rights Management is the process of managing Intellectual Property Rights for digital assets and helps users know

•What rights they have to the asset
•Where they can use the asset
•How long they can use the asset
•How they can use the asset with the license(s) acquired

In order to protect Amway from any type of illegal use of content, contracts are required for all assets loaded into the system. Downloaders are required to acknowledge the right before they can download the protected assets. Although this may seem a bit overboard, it protects the company from liability.

Content Lifecycle Coordinators are responsible for:

Creating New IP Rights

IP Rights are based on the contracts that are signed when the work is created.  Corporate will package and send the Corporate IP Rights to all regions so they are available when regions load assets used from Corporate.  These assets MUST have the same IP Rights on them.

If the only restriction is Audience General Public or if all boxes on the release are selected giving permission for use on all levels, there is no need to put an IP Right on the asset because this covers all uses. However, here’s what to do when that isn’t the case.

Follow these Steps

  1. Click on Create IP Rights button at the top of Touch View page.

This will open a new tab.

2. Select your region by clicking on CHANGE

CHANGE is located in the  “Create pages below” section in the dark grey bar at the top of the page. It is right below the title of the page.

3. Select your region/market where the IP Right will be managed.

4. Click ok

5. Complete the IP Rights Template by entering a name and the restrictions that apply as show below:

For each category, use the Add Item dropdown to add appropriate restrictions.

  • Title is a Required field. This title will appear in the IP Rights menu in the Apply Metadata where you apply it to assets.
    • Corporate recommends you title your IP rights with the Brand Prefix, Campaign name, type of shoot (product, model or video) then the year: See the sample here showing how this Photographer IP Right is showing. Teresa Palmer IP rights are named slightly different.
  • Restricted to Audience is who can use the asset (e.g., Restricted to Employees of Alticor-internal only)
  • Restricted to Media Type indicates use only in the media types indicated (e.g., catalogs, television, radio)
  • Restricted to Country means you can use it in the selected country/countries only.
  • Restricted to Expiration Date indicates that asset cannot be used past the expiration date (when it will normally be archived)
  • Restricted to Permission Only requires the user to obtain permission to use. Avoid adding personal contact names and phone numbers if at all possible.
  • Restricted to Territory limits the use to only certain territories (e.g., North America only)
  • License shall be:“an in exclusive license to Alticor” means the photographer may license to others.“an exclusive license to Alticor” indicates Alticor owns full licensing and an IP Right is not needed.

If the necessary restrictions are not available via the dropdown options, choose “other” and enter a description of the restriction in the box provided (e.g., “This image cannot be used in any consumer advertising such as billboards and bus shelters.”)

6. Click create in the bottom left of the form.

7. Click Ok.

If you forgot to change your region at the beginning of creating this, you will be asked to do so at this time

8. Close the window.

This will take you back to thew touch view.

Editing IP Rights

You may need to edit an IP Right if a contract has been extended or changed in any way.

Follow these Steps

We can do this in Classic View

1. Click on the TOOLS button.

This button is located in the green bar at the top of the page.


2. Select DAM In the left navigation.

3. Select Digital Rights Management

4. Select ipright
5. Select the region the IP Right is managed in

6. Double click on the IP Right you need to edit

7. Click Edit in the pop up window

8. Click ok in the bottom right of the form.

If the sidekick is in your way, you can close it by clicking the arrow in the upper right within that window.


Deleting IP Rights



  • The only time this should happen is if one is created by mistake


Follow these Steps

This can be accomplished in the same Classic View where we edited the IP Right in the previous lesson.

1. Follow steps 1-5 of Editing IP Rights, above.
2. Select the IP Right you wish to delete.


3. Click delete at the top of the preview pane in the grey bar.

A delete page window pops up to confirm that you want to delete the following page and lists the name of the IP Right marked for deletion.

4. Click Yes or No to confirm or deny this action.

If you click yes, the IP Right will be permanently deleted from the system.