Linking Assets



There are several ways you can manually link assets:
  • Derivative, which is a parent/child relationship
  • Language variation which is translated text variations
  • Contract relationship or “other”.  An example of “other” would be for video and script relationship.


During Upload

Follow these steps

 1. Select the assets to link in the main metadata screen
*Contracts cannot be linked during the upload because they are loaded into separate folders. All other links can be done during upload, in the search results, and in the cart.
Due to the security, IT recommends creating a new top level Category titled Contracts. Under that should be Category contracts then your Brands. For instance, Beauty Contracts will house Artistry Contracts, Artistry Men Contracts, Tolsom Contracts, etc.). Special permission needs to be set up on these folders to allow access to CLCs, Business Admins and your Local Legal Department only. We are in the process of gaining permission to allow content owners access as well.
2. Click Link Selected Assets

3. Select Relationship Type.

4. Click Link Assets.

6 Click Close.

Continue to follow the regular process of uploading assets. Your assets will now be linked at the end of the upload and approval stage.


In the search results

Linking assets in the search results, folder, and the cart are very similar to the asset upload, except you will be either adding them to your cart or just selecting them in the search results and click the Link Assets button. Keep in mind that linking contracts will need to be done in the cart or from the search results since they are located in separate folders.

 1. Navigate to the assets you want to link.
2. Select the assets by clicking the checkbox in the bottom left corner of the asset card.

3. Click Link Assets at the top of the search results or folder view.
For the shopping cart, the linking option is under the task menu drop down.
4. Select Relationship Type.

If necessary, designate a parent asset.

For Contract and Derivative relationship types, you will be asked to select the parent asset before selecting “Link Assets”. The “parent” asset is the “main” asset. For Contract relationship, it is the contract. For Derivatives, it is the original asset.

5. Click Link Assets at the bottom of the window

6. Click close.

Double check that the links are showing correctly.

All asset relationships except contracts can be seen in the Asset Detail Page under the Related Assets Tab.

Contracts can be seen under the Contracts Tab and are only visible for the Legal Department, CLCs and Business Admins.

The related assets tab will indicate the relationship type as well as allow the CLC to unlink that particular asset from the others. The filenames are hyperlinked to their related assets to make it easy for the users to quickly move to the other assets should they choose to.

Please note: Regions have the ability to turn off the hotlink to the other files for local assets if they choose. This is a something that was put in place in case regions were worried about linking local assets to shared assets. Those shared assets would be exposed to the rest of the Amway users. When/if they click on the Related Assets tab, they will see these relationships which may be local assets only. This is an “all or nothing” feature at this time. Since these asset are “related” to the shared assets, hopefully you will choose to share all of them.


Unlinking Assets

There are times when an asset may need to be unlinked from another asset.

 1. Navigate to the asset detail page of the asset that you want to unlink.
3. Click the Related Assets tab at the bottom of the page.
Select the Contract tab if it’s related by Contract
4. Click Unlink next to the asset at the top of the list.
Your asset should now be unlinked and all the assets that were listed will be removed.